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Wildlife Photography by Nick Brandt

by GenCept | November 05, 2010

To shoot photos like Nick Brand you must have a lot of patience. His ability to capture the wildlife is enormous, like I haven't seen before.

“African wildlife has never looked so regal and mysterious as in Brandt’s grave photographs. His elephants appear as weighty as the pyramids. His rhinos look more ancient than carbon. His apes know something we don’t. Given the multitude of human disasters in Africa, is it an indulgence to lose yourself in pictures that carry no hint of the wars and famines outside the frame? Not when the pictures are such powerful reminders that Africa is also a magnificent—and endangered—treasure house of animal life." - Time Magazine

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Photos by nickbrandt

Photos by nickbrandt

Photos by nickbrandt

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Photos by nickbrandt

Photos by nickbrandt

Photos by nickbrandt

Photos by nickbrandt


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