The guys from Pixar did it again... Toy Story 3 is simply a master piece, even better than the prior ones I would say. The movie already starts with a short film - Day & Night - that take our breath away, but that is just the intro for a whole animated magic world. All the characters - the ones we already knew from the last movies - and the new ones, are great. Perfectly imagined and executed. And the history? Oh, awesome... if you watched the movie you know what I'm talking about. In case you didn't, go to the nearest theater right now. :)
Whenever I watch something from Pixar I like to go online and research about it... browse around fan art, concept art and further details I can find about it. This time I found a very interesting site,, where they had the opportunity to go to San Francisco to meet the people involved in making Toy Story 3... and they got access to some really nice concept arts. So I gathered some of their concept arts and a few fan art to show here to you cause I believe that many of you also like Pixar and their animation world. Take your time... ;)
By the way, I wish I had the talent to draw some of the toys from my old days...