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Stunning Under Water Photography

by GenCept | April 03, 2010

Here at GenCept, I have mentioned the amazing design inspiration that can be derived from Nature. Some of Nature’s brightest colours and fascinating textures and creatures are found deep underwater. As photography technology advances we are able to capture more of this natural beauty, in higher resolution. These higher quality images allow us to really see the intricate detail and colour patterns that are found in the underwater world.

Enjoy your swim.

UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos UnderWaterPhotos


"All Images Property of National Geographic."

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