Bernard Tschumi nasceu no dia 25 de janeiro de 1944 na cidade de Lausanne, na Suiça. Estudou em Paris e na ETH em Zurique, onde se formou em 1969. Lecionou em diversas escolas como Portsmouth Polytechnic no Reino Unido, Architectural Association em Londres, The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies em New York, Princeton University e a Columbia University.
Bernard Tschumi was born January 25, 1944 in Lausanne, Switzerland. He studied in Paris and at ETH in Zurich, where he graduated in 1969. He taught at various schools like Portsmouth Polytechnic in the UK, Architectural Association in London, The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in New York, Princeton University, and Columbia University, to name a few.
Vacheron Constantin Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. Photography: Peter Mauss/Esto, Christian Richters
Vacheron Constantin Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. Photography: Peter Mauss/Esto, Christian Richters
Vacheron Constantin Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. Photography: Peter Mauss/Esto, Christian Richters
First seen as a theorist, Bernard Tschumi has drawn attention because of his innovative architectural practice in 1983 when he won a prestigious competition: the Parc de la Villette in Paris. Since then, projects with a great impact were created such as the new museum of Athens and Vacheron Constantin Headquarters, among others. The versatility of his works go to infrastructure projects and urban master plans.
Any relationship between a building and its users is one of violence, for any use means the intrusion of a human body into a given space, the intrusion of one order into another.”
School of Architecture, Marne-la-Vallée , Paris, France
School of Architecture, Marne-la-Vallée , Paris, France
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
School of Architecture, FIU, Miami, USA
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
Rouen Concert Hall and Exhibition Complex, France
Peter Mauss/Esto, Robert Cesar
Peter Mauss/Esto, Robert Cesar
Peter Mauss/Esto, Robert Cesar
Peter Mauss/Esto, Robert Cesar
Parc de la Villette, Paris, France
J.M. Monthiers, Peter Mauss/Esto, Sophie Chivet
J.M. Monthiers, Peter Mauss/Esto, Sophie Chivet
M2 Metro Station, Lausanne, Switzerland
Peter Mauss/Esto, Yves AndrÈ
Peter Mauss/Esto, Yves AndrÈ
Peter Mauss/Esto, Yves AndrÈ
Limoges Concert Hall, France
Peter Mauss/Esto, Christian Richters
Peter Mauss/Esto, Christian Richters
Peter Mauss/Esto, Christian Richters
Lerner Hall Student Center, New York, USA
Peter Mauss/Esto, Lydia Gould
Peter Mauss/Esto, Lydia Gould
Interface Flon Railway and Metro Station, Lausanne, Switzerland
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
Good architecture must be conceived, erected, and burned in vain. The greatest architecture of all is the fireworks: it perfectly shows the gratuitous consumption of pleasure.
Fireworks at Parc de la Villette, Paris, France
ECAL School of Art, Lausanne-Renens, Switzerland
Peter Mauss/Esto, Maurice Shobinger
Peter Mauss/Esto, Maurice Shobinger
Peter Mauss/Esto, Maurice Shobinger
Bridge, La Roche-sur-Yon, France
BTA, Christian Richters
BTA, Christian Richters
BTA, Christian Richters
Blue Residental Tower, New York, USA
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
Peter Mauss/Esto
Athletics Center, University of Cincinnati, USA
Peter Mauss/Esto, Andrew Higley
Peter Mauss/Esto, Andrew Higley
Peter Mauss/Esto, Andrew Higley
Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece
Christian Richters, Peter Mauss/Esto
Christian Richters, Peter Mauss/Esto
Christian Richters, Peter Mauss/Esto
Christian Richters, Peter Mauss/Esto
Christian Richters, Peter Mauss/Esto