Tim is 21 years old and recently earnd his bachelor's degree in Cross-Media Design. He's been in love with design since he discovered Photoshop in 2003. His specialities ranges from photo-manipulation, digital art, web design to motion graphics and visuals. In his spare time he's running an electronic music blog PHASE02.org, enjoying to spin records as a DJ at local parties and bigger clubs around Belgium and Netherlands. He's also been into Athletics since he was a little boy of 7 years old.
Bram is 19 years old and shares the same passion as his older brother. He's been developing his style since his first pen tool experiments in Illustrator about 5 years ago. Bram's style ranges from simple illustrations and typography to mixed media artwork. When he's not making art, Bram enjoys going out with friends, training together with his brother for the next Athletics competition and he can't resist to spend his money on clothes and new fancy accessories.
For more information visit their website at
Every year I'm late with my new year wishes, this year I want to be on time! I wish everyone best of luck in the new year, let it be a very creative and inspiring one!
We work as One !
The wallpaper is based on the true passion of an artist, the time he spend on it and the story behind it. In my opinion, dancer are perfect examples of a great artists working hard, making sacrifices to become what they are. Also they just look really cool on picture and are fun to work with. Again music leads to a beautiful wallpaper.
Collaboration between Luuk Vermeyden and Bram Vanhaeren.
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