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Creative State Offices

by GenCept | March 01, 2010

This studio we'll show you today is from Oklahoma, USA, more specifically in Tulsa, a small city that has the honor to have the headquarters of a creative mind group, this is the Creative State.

The office is basically a big saloon with a meeting and conferences room placed in the center of it. Sounds weird? Well, I loved it. The appropriate choose of colors and materials, a dark sealing and a bright floor, gave the glass cube a really stylish look. The spaces with the work stations surrounding this cube are simple but very cozy.

The highlight of this office is for sure its lightening. All the spaces have a great illumination showing that the lighting was very well applied in this project. The points of light in the dark sealing and the lamps in the walls are samples of this and show that a nice lightening project can transform a place.

Creative State is a blank canvas. An empty piece of paper. An untouched block of wood. It gives you the ability to start fresh, with new perspective and a revived spirit. Now, you can create whatever you want. You can bring your idea to life. Creative State

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

Creative State Offices

To check everything about Creative State, check their site out at

Thanks Office Snapshots for the tip!

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