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Effective Photo Retouching and CGI by Happy Finish

by GenCept | December 09, 2009

I am always impressed with what we can do in terms of photo manipulation, retouching and CGI. Then I received an email suggesting me to take a look at the work of Happy Finish, a studio specialized and retouching and CGI from London, UK. After checking their site out, I have to say, they have some very effective works.

They handle project from large corporations to individual photographes with a impressive team of retouchers and CGI artists. Their portfolio is really impressive, with big names such as Vogue, Dazed, Esquire, Sony, Canon,TWA and others

We are different. our retouchers and CGI artists work one-on-one with art directors, photographers and brands to create some of the world's most eye-catching images and campaigns.

For more information visit Happy Finish's website. and be prepared to spend some time, it's worth it. Also, if you have suggestions like this one of Happy Finish that we received, do not hesitate to send us an email or let us know.

"Knowledge and understanding of the feel of traditional photographic processes are essential for perfection with digital imaging. - Nick Nedeljkovic"

"An activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better." - Lee Hickman

"If the image is a success but my work goes unnoticed, I'm doing my job well." - Tim Ashton

"A good retoucher is like Rumpelstiltskin, they can spin straw into gold. - Anna Watson-Smith"

"My grandma thinks I am a wizard!" - Valentina D'Ettorre

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